April 18, 2017
Bringing a bit of spring indoors today.
We've had warmth and several good soaking rains over the past few days. Grass is green and becoming more lush every day. The spring bulbs accelerated their show in the heat, but may settle back into a more moderate pace once temperatures become more normal for the balance of the week.
The hillsides are moving from their tint of orange and red, to, here and there, a haze of pale yellow. The city, much lower in elevation than Overhill, is awash in drifts of chartreuse. The Greening has begun.
For the first time in several years, no severe weather is predicted for the next few weeks. We seem to have settled into a moderate spring pattern, which bodes well for our fruit trees, much beleaguered these past years.
This single hyacinth will have perfumed most of the first floor by the time I return home from work. Already anticipating its greeting.